Work Package 6
Stakeholder engagement strategies
Together with Work Package 5, WP6 will provide the roadmap for upscaling and replication. This will include the involving and transferring to stakeholders in 4 major blocks to assess the roadmap for providing advanced aerosol-scientific based information for further air quality policy and health effects:
- Local-regional, national and European (DG-ENV, DG-SANTE, DG REGIO, DG-DEFIS) air quality-competent administrations;
- Citizen science and awareness increase;
- European and international air quality and air quality-health agencies (EEA, UN Economic Commission for Europe), EMEP (European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme), WMO, WHO and Copernicus;
- Private companies supplying instruments, sensors, maintenance services, and modelling tasks. This includes the elaboration of information packages specifically for each of these 3 blocks, in-situ presentations of the STs and their added values, as well as organising a workshop with partners and stakeholders.