A methodology to improve European urban emission inventories will be implemented in RI-URBANS
- An improved method of Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service regional emission inventory has been developed over RI-URBANS’ pilot cities.
- This method will produce a detailed mapping of industrial, transport, residential, agricultural, and other emission sources for all the pilots.
A spatial disaggregation method to improve CAMS (European Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service) regional emissions has been implemented over RI-URBANS’ pilot cities.
The method will incorporate all additional pollutant species and sources that will occur in the frame of the pilot tasks. In addition, the method will be evaluated and optimized once the comparison of available bottom-up emission datasets over cities occurs. Then, the method will be applied in all pilot cities of RI-URBANS, so that inputs are available for high-resolution CTM applications.

Improved methodology of CAMS emissions from road transport in Athens. Through the applied methodology, the mass in each CAMS cell is attributed to its road network. In the below plots the mapping through the direct allocation to the network is given. | Source: Eleni Athanasopoulou (ΝΟΑ), Nasia Kakouri (ΝΟΑ), Jeroen Kuenen (TNO), Evangelos Gerasopoulos (NOA)
The methodology has been developed and employed to improve the CAMS-REG emission inventory over specific urban areas of Europe. The improvement is largely based on a spatial disaggregation approach to provide an increasing accuracy of the annual, anthropogenic emissions over the cities of interest. The spatial disaggregation of CAMS-REG is based on credible, open access, generic, contemporary, high-resolution spatial datasets of the European area, which are transformed into the sector-specific spatial proxies applied to the source categories of CAMS-REG.
The approach is incorporated into a fully automated tool that will produce the detailed mapping of industrial, transport, residential, agricultural, and other emission sources for all the RI-URBANS’ pilot cities. These products will directly be used as input for the air quality modelling at the urban scale (Task 3.3. Extending AQ modelling to health and policy relevant indicators down to urban scale). The methodology will also be used to spatially disaggregate the RI-URBANS European scale emission inventories developed in this task.
This method has been extensively described in the Deliverable D17 (D3.2) Methodology to improve European urban emission inventories: