Work Package 9

Ethics requirements

This Work Package sets out the ethics requirements that the project must comply with. It defines the procedures to obtain, manage and store the informed consent of humans for their participation in project activities, as well as procedures to make this information available to participants and the Commission.

This WP defines and implements the data protection strategy, following the data minimisation principle. It will include the technical and organisational measures to safeguard the rights and freedoms of the research participants, as well as the security measures that will be implemented to prevent unauthorised access to personal data. The ethics risks will be assessed.

Work Package 9

Ethics requirements

We will gather data in the project according to applicable data protection laws. All project parties in RI-URBANS are held to a confidentiality agreement.


D62 (D9.1)

H – Requirement No. 1

D63 (D9.2)

POPD – Requirement No. 2



H – Requirement No. 1


POPD – Requirement No. 2